Temp: Cool
Light to Dark Value: 4+
Base: Cool Yellow & Green Organic & Inorganic (contains a small amount of yellow-orange in the base)
Foreslået anvendelse: Dette er en rig mørkebrun øjenbryns farve.
Der kan skabes smukke blandinger med Brown Sugar og Perfect Brown.
Chicory indeholder en lille mængde gul-orange i basefarven, men forbliver en kølig farve.
Tilføj Orange Crush for køligere hudtyper. Chestnut Crush kan blandes sammen med denne farve for at skabe varme, men undgå at gøre dette på rød eller lyserød hud.
Suggested use: This is a dark, rich brown eyebrow color. Mixes beautiful with Brown Sugar and Perfect Brown. Chicory contains a small amount of yellow-orange in its base formula, however it is still a cool color. Add Orange Crush, especially for cooler skin tones. Chestnut Crush may be used to warm up the color, but avoid using on clients with red or pink skin.
Farveindikator og Fitzpatrick