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Ingen varer fundet

Li pigments har eksisteret siden 1992 og har siden da, udelukkende beskæftiget sig med fremstillelse af pigmenter til Permanent makeup. Dette fokus på fremstilling af pigmenter samt den mangeårige erfaring som ligger bag udviklingen af LI pigmenter, har placeret dem blandt de absolut mest eftertragtede og anvendte pigmenter til brug ved Permanent makeup på verdensplan.
De er I særdeleshed anerkendte for deres stabilitet, holdbarhed og sikkerhed.

  • EU godkendte pigmenter
  • INGEN tungmetaller
  • INGEN konserveringsmidler
  • INGEN parfume
  • Fuldt forenelig med ResAP 2008
  • Testet og Certificeret af CTL laboratoriet i Tyskland
  • Gamma steriliserede monodoser
  • Patenteret fusions teknologi
  • 23 års bevist sikkerhed, ydeevne og stabilitet
Hvad er unikt ved LI pigments? Hvorfor leverer de langt bedre resultater end mange andre og hvorfor ændrer de ikke farve med tiden?
En del af det har at gøre med fremstillingsprocesserne: måden hvorpå pigmentet er lavet, blandet, nedbrudt, og sammensmeltet. De koncentrerede niveauer og kvaliteten af pigment pulveret og vigtigst af alt, deres unikke patenterede fusionsmetode af det rå pigment.
Derudover var det, tilbage I 1992, erkendelsen af behovet for, ikke kun sikre pigmenter, der forblev I huden og således havde en god holdbarhed, men også behovet for pigmenter, der ville holde sig tro mod dets farve over tid, og ikke ændre farve, som førte til udviklingen af det, vi idag, kender som LI pigments.  
Producenten bag Li Pigments indså nemlig, at med et par enkle formel ændringer og en unik blandings proces, havde de udviklet en pigment linje, der ville levere resultater langt bedre end andre pigmenter på markedet.
Li Pigmenter introducerede således"Fusion Teknologi" til industrien tilbage i 1992 og revolutionerede hermed permanent makeup industrien.
Eftersom at Li Pigments udførte dette bemærkelsesværdige resultat i pigmenternes ydeevne, udviklede de videre på konceptet og perfektionerede pigmenterne og lancerede herefter deres egen pigment linje.
Aqua ™ & Velvet ™ så således dagens lys I 1998, en linje som var skabt med denne unikke process -at sammensmelte ingredienser til naturlig langtidsholdbare ægte farver.
Darlene Story, ejer og udvikler af Li Pigmenter er således en genial pigment producent og med skabelsen af Aqua og Velvet serien blev disse hendes eneste og primære fokus.
Aqua & Velvet har eksisteret i 18 år nu. Hun har således haft 18 år til at finpudse og udvikle denne pigment linje, til hvad den er i dag.
Hun er kompromisløs, konsekvent og innovativ I sin tilgang til fortsat at lære nye måder at forbedre og udvikle linjen og anvender altid de nyeste teknologier, hvis der laves ændringer eller tilføjelser til Aqua & Velvet linjen.
Hver eneste pigment / farve formulering er således unikke og eksklusivt designet til Aqua & Velvet.
Se de forskellige pigmenter her:
Farveindikator & Fitzpatrick
De kan selvfølgelig købes på vores webshop.

Hos Li pigments er målet at levere uovertruffen kundeservice og teknisk support med vægt på erfaring, sikkerhed, kvalitet og omkostningseffektivitet.
Som distributør af Li pigments I Skandinavien, kan vi således forsyne dig med utallige dokumenter, guides og support I brugen af pigmenterne.
Li pigments mangeårige forskning og udvikling, kombineret med deres grundige testlaboratorier har resulteret i en enestående linje af sikre, kosmetiske pigmenter til brug ved permanent makeup.
Alle LI produkter betragtes desuden som 100% sikre at anvende, og der har ikke været nogen rapporter som angiver andet, siden starten, for mere end 20 år siden.
LI pigments opfylder naturligvis samtlige krav og restriktioner indenfor EU direktiverne på området og vil fortsætte med at tilpasse sig efter enhver ændring eller tilpasning af gældende regler.

Du kan læse mere om sikkerheden herunder: 
(Er kopieret direkte fra hovedkontoret bag LI pigments)

Testing & Analysis
Li pigments operates under stringent, high quality control standards that follow all cosmetic-manufacturing protocols for cosmetics and is a State licensed ‘Certified Cosmetic Establishment’. Micropigmentation, Permanent Cosmetics, tattooing and any other form there of are considered “Cosmetic” as outlined under the FDA (Federal Drug Administration).
Li pigments has been in the production of Micropigmentation pigments for over 18 years. Their research and development coupled with their application laboratory testing have resulted in an outstanding line of cosmetic pigments, both organic and inorganic. All Permanent Cosmetic pigments (Iron Oxide, D&C & FD&C) are produced using ingredients, which are certified & approved for use in topical applications in accordance with the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act as amended. The inks, or dyes, used for tattoos are considered “color additives” under the Federal Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Act. All pigments are produced in keeping with the highest standards for purity and have been tested to conform to their respective specifications for use in Micropigmentation procedures as applicable.
Safety Evaluation for Human Health of the Product, Toxicity Data for the Pigment: Bioburden Batch Testing results show the microbial and toxicity levels of the product prior to sterilization.
Total Microbial Count (Before Sterilization): Less than 20 organisms/gm
Total Microbial Count (After Sterilization): 0 organisms/gm
Sanitation & Sterilization: Where applicable various products we manufacture are Gamma-Sterilized to prevent infection & contamination.
Quality Control
Exact Shades Every Time
Our modern processing equipment and strict production controls allow us to recreate exact shades every time to meet your standards for product quality. The quality control department is in control of all Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P.), release of all materials, finished goods and the distribution of documents for specifications, test methods and release criteria.
Manufacturing Control – Strict Guidelines
All raw materials and packaging are received, checked and inspected upon arrival in the warehouse. All materials are labeled and identified before release to the appropriate warehouse location or at the production line.
MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) Available Upon Request.
How Li pigments complies with both the United States FDA & EU government regulations governing cosmetics:
Agents Present in Permanent Cosmetic/Tattoo product manufactured by Li pigments but not limited to:
• Coloring Agent
• Preservative
• Dispersion/Suspension Liquid
Coloring Agents allowed for use in Cosmetics Products
FDA: As outlined in 21 CFR 73 & 74
EU: As outlined in Directive 76/768/EEC; ANNEX IV PART I & II
EU-Resolution ResAP(2008)1
Preservative Agents allowed for use in Cosmetic Products
Preservatives are substances added to cosmetic products for the primary purpose of inhibiting microbial growth.
FDA: Not applicable
EU: As outlined in Directive 76/768/EEC, ANNEX VI PART I & II
Substances which should not form part of the composition of Cosmetic Products, Restrictions & Provisions
FDA: As outlined in 21 CFR, Parts 250.250 and 700.11 through 700.23):
EU: As outlined in Directive 76/768/EEC, ANNEX II; ANNEX III PART I & II
FDA: As outlined in 21 CFR, parts 700 to 740
EU: As outlined in Directive 76/768/EEC, Article 6
EU-Resolution ResAP(2008)1.
Li pigments has been in business since 1992. During that time and to date we have made a commitment to safety, quality and cost efficiency as we strive to supply our customers with consistent high quality products. Much emphasis is placed on product quality and with upkeep to these guidelines; we continue to abide by the high standards as set forth within the EU Resolutions and Directives.
Colorants tested according to these resolutions provide a high level of safety and a minimum health risk for our customers. LiPigments has completed the testing of over 93 different substances and compounds as it relates to Certification within the EU. The testing includes carcinogenic compounds, colorants and metals causing allergies and irritations of the skin. The following is a Quick Break-down of EU Guidelines which is EU-Resolution ResAP(2008)1 validating and certification:
• Investigation of Aromatic Amines with Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic and sensitizing properties according to EU Resolution ResAP (2008)1
• Investigation of Carcinogens classified in Categories 1, 2 and 3 by the European Commission and mentioned in the Council Directive 1967/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 According to EU Resolution ResAP (2008)1 aromatic Amines with Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic and sensitizing properties according to EU Resolution
ResAP (2008)1
• GC/MS-Analysis
• Dyes Causing Allergies
• Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Dyes
• HPLC-Analysis
• Heavy Metals
• PAH’s. Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons and Benzene-a-pyrene (BaP)
• Germ Test, Total Germ Count
• Microbiological Test of Sterility
Certification Certificates Available Upon Request