Pigment / Bryn - Arab Brown - Flaske à 10 ml.
Undertone kølig
Hudtype kategori 5-6
Fusion pigment linje
Ingen migration, lyse farver og god pigmentretention. Fusion-linjen kombinerer organiske og uorganiske ingredienser i en innovativ pigmentformel. Fordelen ved den uorganiske komponent er, at pigmenterne forbliver meget stabile i huden, så der er kun en minimal chance for migration.
Den organiske komponent - fri for jernoxider - sikrer den klare farve og god pigmentretention. Farveskift til grå eller rød er nu fortid. Efter heling er farverne ekstremt bløde og meget naturlige. Denne pigmentlinje er uundværlig til øjenbrynsbehandlinger. Nouveau Contour Fusion-pigmenter er ideelle til ombre-teknikken med fantastiske resultater. Hårstrøg kan også indstilles meget præcist og perfekt.
• Innovativ pigmentformel
• Fri for jernoxider
• Meget lav chance for migration
• Lyse farver
• God pigmentretention
• Ingen farveændringer til grå eller rød
• Meget naturlige resultater
Vores råd til, hvordan du blander farven med andre Nouveau Contour-pigmenter for at gøre farven mørkere, lysere, varmere eller køligere. Bland ikke pigmenter af andre mærker med Nouveau Contour-pigmenter, da strukturen og sammensætningen er anderledes.
Pigment / Brows - Arab Brown - Bottle à 10 ml.
Undertone cool
Skin type categori 5-6
Fusion pigment line
No migration, bright colors and good pigment retention.
The Fusion line combines organic and inorganic ingredients in an innovative pigment formula. The advantage of
the inorganic component is that the pigments remain very stable in the skin so there is just a minimum chance of migration.
The organic component -free from iron oxides- ensures the clear color and good pigment retention. Color changes to gray or red are now a thing of the past. After healing, the colors are extremely soft and very natural. This pigment line is indispensable for eyebrow treatments. Nouveau Contour Fusion pigments are ideal for the ombre technique with amazing results. Hair strokes can also be set very accurately and perfectly.
• Innovative pigment formula
• Free from iron oxides
• Very low chance of migration
• Bright colors
• Good pigment retention
• No color changes to gray or red
• Very natural results
Our advice on how to mix the color with other Nouveau Contour pigments to make the color darker, lighter, warmer or cooler. Do not mix pigments of other brands with Nouveau Contour pigments as the structure and composition are different.