Temp : Slightly Cool
Light to Dark Value: 2+
Base : More Neutral Yellow & Green Inorganic & Organic
Foreslået Anvendelse: En velafbalanceret neutral til let kølig lysebrun brynfarve passende til Fitzpatrick I-III hudtyper.
Creme Latte er lidt mørkere og køligere end Breve. Den kan lysnes op med Sahara eller Lighten Up.
Den kan formørkes med Hazelnut, Classic Brown eller Mochaccino.
Suggested Use :
A well balanced neutral to slightly cool blonde brow color for Fitzpatrick I-III skin. Creme Latte is a little darker and cooler than Breve. Lighten with Lighten Sahara or Lighten Up. Darken with Hazelnut, Classic Brown or Mochaccino. Add 24 Carat, Gray Vanish, Blonde or Autumn Gold to warm. Creme Latte is one of our most popular colors and very versatile.
Farveindikator og Fitzpatrick